About the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal

The Northwest Territories & Nunavut Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal is independent and is not part of the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission. Before April 1, 2008, the Commission was called the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB). The Tribunal hears appeals of decisions made by the Commission’s Review Committee.

The Tribunal must follow the Workers’ Compensation Acts of both the Northwest Territories and Nunavut and the Commission’s Policies.

Quick start guide to filing an Appeal

Here is the step-by-step guide to filing an Appeal. Each step gives you the tools and information you will need to appeal a Review Committee decision.

Useful Links

Looking for information about workers’ compensation issues, medical or legal research, or help with your appeal?

  1. Workers’ Compensation
  2. Legal Research
  3. Medical Research
  4. Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunals